About Me

Denver, Colorado, United States
I'll Knock You Out For I Am The King Of The Ring X_X For all you people who dont know me im Alessio Lopez and im 14 1/2.My favorite show is "Naruto".My favorite animals is the fox,wolf,and dragon. My favorite things to do is snowboard,skateboard,Mountain biking,and ,most of all fighting.Im also a black belt in Ninjutsu and Tae-kwon-do.I am a fighter in the 15 year old division,because i can knock out 14 year olds.I won the champion's title four times looking for my fifth.My wins are 42 and losses are 8,what can you say I love pounding faces in.I won 19 matches by knock-out,and 15 matches by submission,and 8 matches by refferee and judges decision.Just letting u know refferees and judges suck.And if u are a male thinking your some gangster alpha dog I'll knock u out.And if you dare critisize anyone in front of me,my brother and I will knock you out. (this goes for everyone ^_^)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I just got back from stupid thanx giving brake it was only 3 days plus the weekend.Well any ways i didnt get any turkey because i didnt go to the stupid thanx giving party my family had,the reason why is because i dont like my family i only care for my mom and my grandma thats all.I went to game crazy over the brake and bought some games like Resident Evil 4 and Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories.If you like scary gore games i would recommend Resident Evil 4, If your sick in the head i would recommend gta. Any ways getting back to my stupid brake well all i have to say is dat it was boring,except when i hang wit my bro. Oh I forgot when i was playing b-ball at the court some freaks started some stuff they started pushing me and my bro so we thought "we didnt start anything" then we hit em back in the face but as soon as we saw their high school brother we ran we hopped the fence and went home luckily they were freakin slow.Well dats it if u care ask me a question in my comments and ill be sure to reply.

Alessio Lopez
LLL (Lock and Load Loser)