About Me

Denver, Colorado, United States
I'll Knock You Out For I Am The King Of The Ring X_X For all you people who dont know me im Alessio Lopez and im 14 1/2.My favorite show is "Naruto".My favorite animals is the fox,wolf,and dragon. My favorite things to do is snowboard,skateboard,Mountain biking,and ,most of all fighting.Im also a black belt in Ninjutsu and Tae-kwon-do.I am a fighter in the 15 year old division,because i can knock out 14 year olds.I won the champion's title four times looking for my fifth.My wins are 42 and losses are 8,what can you say I love pounding faces in.I won 19 matches by knock-out,and 15 matches by submission,and 8 matches by refferee and judges decision.Just letting u know refferees and judges suck.And if u are a male thinking your some gangster alpha dog I'll knock u out.And if you dare critisize anyone in front of me,my brother and I will knock you out. (this goes for everyone ^_^)

Friday, March 14, 2008

My Favorite Book

My Favorite book is Halo Ghosts Of Planet Onyx, Because when your maybe grounded from your X-Box 360 or dont have one you can read this book it takes you into the world of halo it describes every single detail. IT Rocks!!!

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