About Me

Denver, Colorado, United States
I'll Knock You Out For I Am The King Of The Ring X_X For all you people who dont know me im Alessio Lopez and im 14 1/2.My favorite show is "Naruto".My favorite animals is the fox,wolf,and dragon. My favorite things to do is snowboard,skateboard,Mountain biking,and ,most of all fighting.Im also a black belt in Ninjutsu and Tae-kwon-do.I am a fighter in the 15 year old division,because i can knock out 14 year olds.I won the champion's title four times looking for my fifth.My wins are 42 and losses are 8,what can you say I love pounding faces in.I won 19 matches by knock-out,and 15 matches by submission,and 8 matches by refferee and judges decision.Just letting u know refferees and judges suck.And if u are a male thinking your some gangster alpha dog I'll knock u out.And if you dare critisize anyone in front of me,my brother and I will knock you out. (this goes for everyone ^_^)

Friday, September 12, 2008


Ok Hey Whats Up Um Well I GOnna Confess I Like Obama their i said it but i wouldnt vote because their speeches sound the eact same just a different format so yeah and OBAMA '08!!!!

A 21st Century Military for America“Our country's greatest military asset is the men and women who wear the uniform of the United States. When we do send our men and women into harm's way, we must also clearly define the mission, prescribe concrete political and military objectives, seek out advice of our military commanders, evaluate the intelligence, plan accordingly, and ensure that our troops have the resources, support, and equipment they need to protect themselves and fulfill their mission.”

— Barack Obama, Chicago Foreign Affairs Council, April 23, 2007

Fighting Against Violent Islamic Extremists and Terrorist Tactics

The attacks on September 11th represented more than a failure of intelligence. The tragedy highlighted a failure of national policy to respond to the development of a global terror network hostile to the American people and our values. The 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the 1998 attacks on the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and the 2000 bombing of the USS COLE indicated a growing global terrorist threat before the attacks on New York and Washington. On the morning of September 11, 2001, Osama bin Laden's declaration of war against the United States hit home with unmistakable clarity.

America faces a dedicated, focused, and intelligent foe in the war on terrorism. This enemy will probe to find America's weaknesses and strike against them. The United States cannot afford to be complacent about the threat, naive about terrorist intentions, unrealistic about their capabilities, or ignorant to our national vulnerabilities.

In the aftermath of 9/11 John McCain fought for the creation of an independent 9/11 Commission to identify how to best address the terrorist threat and decrease our domestic vulnerability. He fought for the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security and the creation of the U.S. Northern Command with the specific responsibility of protecting the U.S. homeland.

As President, John McCain will ensure that America has the quality intelligence necessary to uncover plots before they take root, the resources to protect critical infrastructure and our borders against attack, and the capability to respond and recover from a terrorist incident swiftly.

He will ensure that the war against terrorists is fought intelligently, with patience and resolve, using all instruments of national power. Moreover, he will lead this fight with the understanding that to impinge on the rights of our own citizens or restrict the freedoms for which our nation stands would be to give terrorists the victory they seek.

John McCain believes that just as America must be prepared to meet and prevail against any adversary on the field of battle, we must engage and prevail against them on the battleground of ideas. In so doing, we can and must deprive terrorists of the converts they seek and counter their teaching of the doctrine of hatred and despair.

As President, John McCain will take it as his most sacred responsibility to keep America free, safe, and strong - an abiding beacon of freedom and hope to the world.

-John McCain, Hill Billy Of The Year

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